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Time management tips from Economists
Tyler Cowen writes: Time management tips.
2. Do the most important things first in the day and don't let anybody stop you. Estimate "most important" using a zero discount rate. Don't make exceptions. The hours from 7 to 12 are your time to build for the future before the world descends on you.
So true...
November 30, 2004 in Misc | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Autonomy Enters Desktop Search
Autonomy is one of the better managed enterprise search vendors out there, and besides FAST Europe's only listed player. It seems they have licensed some Blinx technology or so.
Link: Autonomy Enters Desktop Search War.
Autonomy Enters Desktop Search
November 30, 2004 in Finance & Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Hidden Cost of Buying Information
This HBS article talks about the hidden cost of buying information, arguing that people overweight advice they paid for.
One of the problems we had with First Tuesday was that people didn't pay for it and so didn't regard it as much as that €1295 Workshop from xyz productions. In Germany it is certainly true that you need to price advice highly if you want to be taken seriously ;-)
From HBS Working Knowledge via Stefan Smalla
November 29, 2004 in Misc | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Live tonight
As of today I took off the password protection and decided to let others have a peep. Let's see how it goes. I look forward to interacting with old and new friends.
November 28, 2004 in Misc | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Germans Want To Keep It Inside The Country
Link: Germans Want To Keep It Inside The Country.
By Andy Abramson:itsp's will have to reside in germany if they want to offer numbers, furthermore the customers using them will also have to reside in germany
This is silly, as the whole idea behind the EC was to make the continent more open and without borders. Somehow it seems the German's must have missed that point.
This nails it - politicians are worried about global competition, but at the same time we do our best not to compete abroad. I mean, who wouldn't want a Munich 089 trunk code ;-)?
November 25, 2004 in Finance & Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
RED HERRING | The Business of Technology
I was wondering when the RH100 would come to Europe. Let's see how Tornado reacts.
RED HERRING 100 Europe.
November 24, 2004 in Finance & Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Blogs as Professional Lubricant (Jeremy Zawodny's blog)
What's true for jobs is also true for customers.....
November 24, 2004 in Finance & Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
TCS: Tech Central Station - Not Unsafe At Any Speed
Link: TCS: Tech Central Station - Not Unsafe At Any Speed. Talks about learning curves in space travel. Where ist the learning curve in private space travel in Europe?
Via Tim Oren.
November 23, 2004 in Misc | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Perfomance of VCs
Link: The Poker Analogy.
That's why I think VC is mistakenly seen as risky. Sure the ante is very risky. But if you play your hands right, the subseqent rounds are much less so, and the fact that you can put most of your capital to work in the later rounds makes the total portfolio a much less risky proposition than the upfront ante.
And this is, presumably, why socalled balanced VCs that do early and late stage do very well compared to pure plays?
November 18, 2004 in Finance & Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
VoIP regulatory movements
Link: Zuteilung von Rufnummern in den ON-Bereichen.
VoIP-Dienste haben das Potential, den Markt für Telefoniedienste erheblich zu verändern. Es spricht einiges dafür, dass sie den klassischen Telefondienst zumindest teilweise ersetzen können. Die Frage des Zugangs zu geeigneten Nummernressourcen ist hierbei von zentraler Bedeutung. Abhängig vor allem von der geplanten Art der Vermarktung werden von VoIP-Anbietern sowohl ortsungebundene Nummern als auch klassische Ortnetzrufnummern benötigt.
Let's hope this moves VoIP forward in Germany.
November 15, 2004 in Finance & Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack