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The most networked cavalier king charles spaniel
Some time ago I saw a video with a cavalier king charles spaniel running after the dot of a laser pointer (vaguely iPod connected, lost the link). I think it's the same dog in these pictures: a sort of cyborg cavalier with gps & video attached.
This is what happens if you pair a geek with a dog, it's bound to be the most networked cavalier around! Found via Make.
April 26, 2005 in Misc | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ciao sold
Compared to its main rival at the time time of founding (DooYoo), Ciao has done remarkably well. This has been confirmed by an exit worth $154m (via a:c) in stock and cash. Thats why Ciao absolutely didn't want to present at the German Tech Tour... It remains to be asked what return the VCs got, considering the huge amounts of cash invested in the company at boom time valuations.
April 8, 2005 in Finance & Technology | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack