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Laughing dogs

The well writen, thoughtprovoking and informative Marginal Revolution blog is always worth a visit. Even for non-economics graduates. To lighten things up they always throw in the odd amusing link worth reading the blog alone for:

Apparently Dogs Laugh, and it has a calming influence on other dogs. Somebody please tell our dog.

December 22, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Can Entrepreneur’s Diversify their Stock across their Investor’s Portfolio?

All ideas get a second outing, and this (Link: Nivi : Can Entrepreneur’s Diversify their Stock across their Investor’s Portfolio?.) is no different. Can't lay my fingers on it just now, but I remember reading about something like this both in the US and Europe. Nivi's reasoning is valid, although I've discussed it with a VC once and they might well be opposed to anything in fact diversifying the entrepreneur's risk....

December 4, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Laptop trouble

aaargh - I'm going to one of the most web enabled conferences of the year and at this precise moment my trusty laptop (aka exobrain) is on the fritz, b0rked, tits up. Spectacular bad luck. if you want to get in touch sms is best then.


December 4, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

connect @ Les Blogs 2.0

Conferences are great, but even with careful planning and full backchannel you don't always meet everyone you are interested in - or even manage to connect if you agreed to meet. I've tried to contact a number of people in advance, but if you want to catch me at Les Blogs and don't know how or where I am, try here:

  • skype (if the wifi stands up to it): callto://flori_da (or ping more likely)
  • SMS: ++491792060709 (call by all means but sms is more dependable)
  • email: high latency, no promises: dargel (at) globalfinance dot de

Haven't seen what IRC/Chat arrangements there will be. See you over there.

I'm particularly interested in meeting German speaking and UK/Irish companies, learning new tricks and connecting with any finance people attending.

December 2, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack