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All the Travel Agents Men

Havent written much lately, primarily due to a breakdown in my primary computer supply. Anyhow, I'm slowly getting back to normal.

I booked some flights recently, one set via easyjet, another with British Airwaiys via Expedia.com. Normally that's a good trick as US prices are often significantly cheaper and/or you can book combinations not accessible from the carrier's website. Go figure.

Anyhow, change of plan, flights had to be cancelled or moved.

Easyjet: No problem, just charged a fee per segment. Bit cheeky perhaps but it worked and I could do it online in 2 minutes.
Expedia/BA: No such luck. It took several calls, and a lot of reconfirming in each attempt to establish that a  split refund for the business class portion of the ticket is possible, but expedia would not be able to do that. then several calls to BA until I found an agent that was willing to look into it instead of repeating to any statement 'You have to deal with the agent, sir.' He was willing to check and then said: you are right, first time I've seen a split refund but you can look for a refund in the next weeks.

This restored my faith in call centers to some extent anyway. Ironically it was cheaper to buy a new ticket from easyjet that pay change fees to expedia and BA...

May 24, 2007 in Misc | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack